The values of parameters can be overridden during instantiation of leave as default.
Or "defparam" statement can be used for the same purpose.
module myGate ( a, b, c, d );
parameter x = 0;
input a, b;
output c, d;
parameter y = 0, z = 0;
module top;
reg A, B;
wire C, D;
myGate #(2, 4, 3) m1 (A, B, C, D);
// x = 2, y = 4, z = 3 in instance m1
myGate #(5, 3, 1) m2 (.b(B), .d(D), .c(C), .a(A));
// x = 5, y = 3, z = 1 in instance m2
defparam m3.x = 4, m3.y = 2, m3.z = 5;
myGate m3 (A, B, C, D); // x = 4, y = 2, z = 5 in instance m3
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